TA101: the official introduction to Transactional Analysis
“Who am I? Who are you? And what's it all about?”
This 2 day official introduction provides an overview of the 'topographical' maps which chart communication, and the 'geological' maps for a perspective on our our inner world. More detail about the TA101 can be found here.
TA101 dates for 2024:
5 - 6 June online from 0930-1700 (UK time) and 1800-2000 the day beforehand
20 - 21 September from 0930 - 1700 in person in Oxford
TA101 dates for 2025:
14 - 15 March online from 0930-1700 (UK time) and 1700-1900 the day beforehand
16 - 17 July online from 0930-1700 (UK time) and 1700-1900 the day beforehand
25 - 26 October from 0930 - 1700 in person in Oxford
TA Foundation: a fundamental framework for all fields of application
If you are interested in beginning to go deeper with TA then the Foundation programme will serve you well — the overall goal for the programme is to have a felt-sense of your own Adult ego state. This is valuable in itself, and essential if you are going on to further training to apply TA in other settings. Find more information on the TA Foundation programme here.
Dates for 2025
In 2025 the Foundation module weekends are on Feb 27-Mar 2 in person, April 4/5, May 2/3,
June 6/7, July 4/5, Sept 4-7 in person, Oct 3-5.
Times - 2 days are online (Friday 1330-1930 and Saturday 0900-1800) and the 3 days are in person with Sunday 0900-1600 in Oxford
Organisational and Educational
Dates for 2025:
Feb 7/8, Mar 7/8, April 10-13 in person, May 9/10, June 13/14, July 11/12, Sept 11-14 in person,
Oct 10-12
The 2 days are online: Fridays 13.30-19.30 and Saturdays 09.00-18.00 (UK time)
The 3 days are in person: Fridays 13.30-19.30; Saturdays 09.00-18.00; Sundays 09.00-16.00
Focuses in the future
2025 - The system and senior leadership, plus internal and external consultancy
2026 - The individual in systems - and the roles of coach, mentor plus leader and follower
2027 - The focus will be groups and teams
People Practitioner leading to TA Counselling
PTSTA Groups
There are three different annual international PTSTA groups facilitated by Rosemary Napper:
January - A group of a maximum of 8 for three days held in the country of one of the members each year.
May/June - An international CTA and PTSTA group in Oxford one year and Rome the next, with Sylvie Rossi also facilitating.
November - A group of 12 maximum held around the time of the German exams so examining is an option too.
Please enquire about places.
Summer Schools
2024 - Details to come shortly